Crime: SUSPECT HAS BEEN ARRESTED Larceny 2023073179 2023073711 2023073313


SUSPECT HAS BEEN ARRESTED Larceny 2023073179 2023073711 2023073313

The following thefts occurred at ABC, 2973 Shore Drive:

ONE SUSPECT HAS BEEN IDENTIFIED, THE MALE IS STACEY DAVENPORT, A SERIAL ABC STORE THIEF.  2023073179 On 12/7/23 at roughly 8:40 p.m., two subjects entered the store, stole roughly $2,400 worth of Hennessy, and walked out of the store without paying. 

On 12/30/23 at roughly 4:42 p.m., two subjects entered the store. The female pointed at a large bottle of Grey Goose and the male grabbed it off the shelf. The female distracted the employee while the male left without paying.

SUSPECT HAS BEEN IDENTIFIED, THE MALE IS STACEY DAVENPORT, A SERIAL ABC STORE THIEF. 2023073313 On 12/28/23 at roughly 1:15 p.m., a male subject entered the store, grabbed $1,300 worth of alcohol. and walked out with out paying. This is possibly the same male as in case 2023073179.

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