Crime: Shoplifting 2024064517
Shoplifting 2024064517
12/13/24, ABC Lynnhaven Pkwy. Three suspects entered the store. Suspect in the black jeans selected DeLeon and concealed it on his person while suspect in the red pants was standing nearby. The suspect in the brown puffer jacket selected a bottle of Teremana and concealed it down his pants. All suspects exited the store without attempting to pay for the alcohol which totaled to $134.97.
Suspect #1: B/M, wearing black coat, black “Scarface” t-shirt underneath, black jeans.
Suspect #2: B/M, wearing black silky headwrap, black puffy jacket w/fur, jeans.
Suspect #3: B/M, wearing black letterman jacket w/ letters “N” and “D”, wearing red pants w/white stripes.
Vehicle: Black Kia, VA Tag.