Crime: ABC Larceny 2024025770

ABC Larceny 2024025770
THE SUSPECT IN THE GREY HOODIE HAS BEEN IDENTIFIED. The identity of the second suspect is still needed.
On 4/20/24, the pictured suspects walked into the ABC store on Northampton Blvd., concealed a bottle of Avion Silver tequila and a bottle of Crown Black, and left without paying. They got into a 2020 Ford, VA plate WRA7699.
Suspect 1: B/M, medium build, long bushy afro/dreads, wearing grey hoodie, and blue jeans.
Suspect 2: B/M, medium build, moustache, goatee, wearing a blue/orange zip-up hoodie with the word Tano on the front, tie-dye bandana, light-colored pants.