Crime: Grand Larceny 2023066478


Grand Larceny 2023066478

On 11/20/23 at Wells Fargo on Providence Road, the victim went inside the bank and withdrew $33,000 from the account. The pictured female entered the bank right after the victim. The female suspect did not go to a teller, just stood in line. When the victim left the bank, the female followed her. Video shows a male walked up to the victim’s vehicle, squatted down, and then got back up and headed over to the 7-Eleven. When the victim got back to her vehicle, she had a flat. The male waved down the victim to help her with changing the flat tire. While he was helping, the female suspect reached into the vehicle and took the $33,000 from the victim’s purse. Both suspects headed to their vehicle a white SUV with possible Florida tags.

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