Crime: Larceny 2023053027

Larceny 2023053027
On Wednesday, 9/13/23, at approximately 6 p.m., the pictured suspect walked onto the property at Jack Frost Landscapes & Garden Center on Holland Road and dropped some of his belongings into a wagon that was sitting on the property. The male then continued to walk around the property, going in and out of the camera’s view. The male was seen with DOT Grabbers in hand and then continued to walk back to the wagon. At around 6:20 p.m., the male proceeded to leave the property pulling the wagon with miscellaneous items that he had placed inside.
Suspect: White male with a short haircut along with facial hair, last seen on 9/13/23 wearing a black hooded zip-up jacket, grey basketball shorts, black sneakers and sunglasses.