Crime: Larceny 2024014778


Larceny 2024014778

03/8/24. 03/11, 03/12, 03/13, 03/16, 03/20  Multiple ABC Northampton Shoplifting.

Incident #1 occurred on 03/08/24, 2 B/F’s, entered the store, stole Tequila and left without paying.

Incident 2 occurred on 03/11/24, B/M entered the store and stole 2 bottles of Tequila and left without paying.

Incident 3 occurred on 03/12/24 at 1135 Hrs, B/M entered the store, stole a bottle of Grey Goose and Circo vodka and left without paying.

Incident 4 occurred on 03/12/24 at 1433 Hrs., B/M entered the store, stole bottles of Hennessey and tequila and left without paying.

Incident 5 occurred on 03/13/24, B/M entered the store, stole several bottles of Tequila and left without paying. He left in a Grey Honda unknown tag.

Incident 6 occurred on 03/16/24, same 2 females in Incident 1 entered the store and stole more Tequila,

Incident 7 occurred on 03/20/24, B/M entered the store and stole  3 bottles of vodka.

Susp 1: B/F, Short medium build, buns on the side of her head, wearing white hoody carrying black tote.

Susp 2: B/F, Short, short dreads with a green hue, wearing black T-shirt logo on front. Came in on 03/08/24 and 03/16/24.

Susp 3: B/M, Thin build, wearing a blk Falcon’s hoody, blk beanie.

Susp 4: B/M, Medium build, wearing light blue jean jacket, white T-shirt and blk pants,

Susp 5: B/M, thin build, wearing blk face mask, dark hoody, blk jeans.

Susp 6: B/M, medium build, grey knit hat, Blk jacket, red T-shirt, blue face mask.

Susp 7: B/M medium build, goatee, and beard, wearing green jacket with dragon logo blue hoody underneath, blk pants.

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