Crime: Dog has been returned to his owner, Larceny 2024025342

Dog has been returned to his owner, Larceny 2024025342
The victim recently acquired a dog from a neighbor because the neighbor couldn’t take care of the dog anymore. The dog is described as a pitbull, female, tan in color, 18 months old, and is named Chloe. Victim stated that a female came to the door asking to see the dog a day prior to the incident. The victim allowed the female to see the dog. The following day, 5/12/24, the female turned up at the victim’s residence asking to see the dog again. This time the victim refused. The female started arguing saying she wanted the dog. The dog got out and the female grabbed the dog and put her into a vehicle and fled. According to the victim, there was an individual with the female described as a B/M, stocky build, light-skinned, 5’8, low cut hair. The suspect vehicle is described as a silver Lexus.
Suspect: B/F, 5’6, long braids, medium build.