Crime: Larceny 2024043625


Larceny 2024043625


All ABC Northampton:

8/10/24: Black male stole a bottle of Hennessey.  Wearing black ball cap, blue t-shirt, tan shorts, and black / white Nike sneakers.

8/11/24: A white female concealed a bottle of Tito Vodka and proceeded to cashier to pay for several mini bottles.  She acted like she was going to purchase them, made an excuse, and left.  Heavyset, bandana on head, tattoos on both arms, wearing black tank top, black shorts, sneakers.


8/16/24: Young black male stole 2 bottles of Crown Apple and a bottle of Crown Black.  Thin guild, wearing blue ball cap, shiny silk-like button-down shirt, black pants, and sneakers.

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