Crime: Larceny from Person 2024013511

Screenshot 2024-03-21 at 9.44.15 AM

Larceny from Person 2024013511

On 3/13/24, the victim and suspect, who did not know each other, were inside McDonald’s on Birdneck Rd. Victim left McDonald’s walking along the roadway as suspect realized he was missing $20, believing he dropped it inside. Suspect left McDonald’s and found the victim walking. Suspect confronted the victim, demanding he give him his missing $20. Victim pulled out a wad of cash and gave the suspect $20 for fear of what suspect would do. Suspect did not demand or take the victim’s additional money, but only took the money he believed was his. Video revealed the suspect did not lose his money inside McDonald’s. Suspect drives a black 4-door Jeep. 

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