Crime: Larceny / Simple Assault 2023070661

Larceny / Simple Assault 2023070661
On 12/13/23 at 6:22 p.m., at the Salem Crossing Walmart on Lynnhaven Parkway, the pictured suspect carried out various toys, baby items, and school supplies in a white laundry basket. The suspect then loaded the items into the back seat of the pictured Chrysler. A store employee intervened as the suspect opened the front passenger door, and the suspect pushed him before jumping into the car. The tag on the car comes back to a rental car company in Culpeper, Va. The driver of the car cannot be identified in any video.
Suspect: B/M, 35-45, slim build, 5’10”, beard, dark-colored jacket, blue jeans, gray hoodie under jacket, Converse style sneakers
Vehicle: Black 2007 Chrysler 300M sedan, tinted windows, VA Tag TMD-25