Crime: Shoplifting 2024066587

Shoplifting 2024066587
12/23/24, Dillard’s, Lynnhaven Mall. The pictured male and female exited the store with unpaid merchandise. The male went to get a vehicle (sedan) while the female distracted employees next to the exit. The female suspect left the store after sending an employee to look for something in the back room. The approximate value of the stolen merchandise was anywhere from $500 to $1,500. This is the second incident with these two individuals.
Suspect #1: W/F, 50’s to 60’s, 5’5-5’8, heavy-set, Covid mask, black winter hat, glasses, all black clothing
Suspect #2: W/M, 50’s to 60’s, 5’8-5’10, skinny build, black & white checkered jacket, tan winter hat