Crime: Shoplifting Frequent Flyer 2023046896

Shoplifting Frequent Flyer 2023046896
On 8/9/23 at Target in Pembroke, the pictured subjects entered Target and parted ways. The female went to get a Swiffer Wetjet for $23.99 and then swapped the price tag for something that was only $1.99. The male filled up a trashcan with $425 worth of men’s clothing and then paid only for the trash can. The male is a frequent flyer as he also went to the same Target on 8/9/23, scanned everything in his cart at self-checkout, and then left without paying for over $300 worth of rugs/furniture items. The couple is believed to be in a grey SUV as that is what they used in a Norfolk Target larceny, and the male has also been seen driving an older red pickup truck.