Crime: Trespassing 2024054308

Trespassing 2024054308
On 10/20/24, victim reported that a suspicious individual had walked up to her front door on Lasalle Drive and then entered her back patio.
The victim stated that she was awakened first by the sound of her Ring camera alerting that someone had walked in front of her front door, and then she heard someone on her back patio.
The victim looked out of her bedroom window on the 2nd floor of her residence and saw the top of suspect’s head. The suspect was on the back patio but did not touch or disturb any of the items there, nor did he make entrance into the back sliding door which was blocked with a lock-bar stopper on the inside of the door.
Suspect: B/M, 18-30 years old, brown hair, wearing a black jacket over a white T-shirt, thin tan pants or khakis.
Possible Direction of Travel: Into the Lasalle neighborhood, possibly cutting through to Princess Anne Road.